Review for El mago (Spanish Edition) : This book is incredible, I have never been so frightened reading a book and yet so riveted that I couldn't stop reading. I loved this book. It grabbed me from the first page and I had trouble putting it down. Read it, you won't be disappointed.
El mago (Spanish Edition) info
En esta ambiciosa novela, mezcla de narracion gotica, thriller, historia iniciatica, relato erotico y filosofico, asistimos a la «educacion sentimental» del joven Nicholas, que abandona Londres para establecerse en una remota isla griega. Alli conoce a un excentrico millonario, «el Mago», que lo introduce en las fronteras m ovedizas de la realidad y el sueno... Cual es el fin de estas experiencias truculentas? Como saber su signifcado, el grado de seriedad cientifica, de intuicion metafisica, de pura supercheria? Y sobre todo, se pregunta Nicholas angustiado, quien es realmente Conchis, el Mago? / The Magus is a masterwork of contemporary literature. A young Englishman, Nicholas Urfe, accepts a teaching position on a Greek island where his friendship with the owner of the island's most magnificent estate leads him into a nightmare. Urfe becomes a desperate man fighting for his sanity and his life.